The Fast/Detox Experience

Sagrada Wellness Yoga Retreats

Walking the Middle Path with Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Traditional Chinese Medicine formula Calm, or otherwise known as Free and Easy Wanderer is one of my favorite formulas that bring so many of my patient’s peace, happiness and presence. A recent client of mine was revealing in how grounded and intuitive she feels while taking Calm, almost as if she is so in tuned with her life that she can predict certain events throughout her day. She also embarked on my three day health fast of oats, millet, veggies and mung beans. We had a lovely discussion on what cleansing and detoxing is all about.

Fasting is truly an uplifting experience as it makes us look at our lives in new ways. For some of us we have to cool that stomach fire that causes the relentless hunger and cravings. For others it’s moving through that sluggishness while the liver gradually detoxifies stagnant residues that keep us from living naturally buoyant. The herbal teas of burdock root, milk thistle and dandelion are speedy ways to clear out the old, getting rid of the detox headaches, skin break outs or irritability.  Fasting makes us aware of our attachment to food. What does it mean for us to indulge in an afternoon frappe, the frozen yogurt covered with corn syrup in many shapes and textures, the evening bounty of the over consumption of food and beverages? The sense of comfort we get while popping food out of a bag or box into our mouths while we watch TV or driving. Let’s eliminate it all and see what we’re left with. Happily fasting usually leaves us a few pounds lighter too! But what comes up for you as the fat in your body melts away? Your arteries are cleaner and your belly a little flatter. However we conveniently store unpleasant or challenging issues/emotions in those fat cells. Acknowledge what comes up for you while fasting. Work towards accepting it, let the tears flow if needed and talk about them with a loved one. Release all that old stuff that just weighs us down physically and emotionally.

And by the last night of my fast I am enjoying going to sleep with a slight hunger in my belly. I knew I am healthy, walking the middle path. I will wake up fresh tomorrow hungry for life!

I would love to hear your comments on the fast and your personal experience cleansings!

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